Menger's Theorem


Title: Menger's Theorem
Author: Christoph Dittmann
Submission date: 2017-02-26
Abstract: We present a formalization of Menger's Theorem for directed and undirected graphs in Isabelle/HOL. This well-known result shows that if two non-adjacent distinct vertices u, v in a directed graph have no separator smaller than n, then there exist n internally vertex-disjoint paths from u to v. The version for undirected graphs follows immediately because undirected graphs are a special case of directed graphs.
  author  = {Christoph Dittmann},
  title   = {Menger's Theorem},
  journal = {Archive of Formal Proofs},
  month   = feb,
  year    = 2017,
  note    = {\url{},
            Formal proof development},
  ISSN    = {2150-914x},
License: BSD License