Order Extension and Szpilrajn's Extension Theorem


Title: Order Extension and Szpilrajn's Extension Theorem
Authors: Peter Zeller (p_zeller /at/ cs /dot/ uni-kl /dot/ de) and Lukas Stevens
Submission date: 2019-07-27
Abstract: This entry is concerned with the principle of order extension, i.e. the extension of an order relation to a total order relation. To this end, we prove a more general version of Szpilrajn's extension theorem employing terminology from the book "Consistency, Choice, and Rationality" by Bossert and Suzumura. We also formalize theorem 2.7 of their book.
Change history: [2021-03-22]: (by Lukas Stevens) generalise Szpilrajn's extension theorem and add material from the book "Consistency, Choice, and Rationality"
  author  = {Peter Zeller and Lukas Stevens},
  title   = {Order Extension and Szpilrajn's Extension Theorem},
  journal = {Archive of Formal Proofs},
  month   = jul,
  year    = 2019,
  note    = {\url{https://isa-afp.org/entries/Szpilrajn.html},
            Formal proof development},
  ISSN    = {2150-914x},
License: BSD License
Used by: Combinatorics_Words_Lyndon
Status: [ok] This is a development version of this entry. It might change over time and is not stable. Please refer to release versions for citations.