Formalization of Knuth–Bendix Orders for Lambda-Free Higher-Order Terms


Title: Formalization of Knuth–Bendix Orders for Lambda-Free Higher-Order Terms
Authors: Heiko Becker (hbecker /at/ mpi-sws /dot/ org), Jasmin Christian Blanchette (jasmin /dot/ blanchette /at/ gmail /dot/ com), Uwe Waldmann (uwe /at/ mpi-inf /dot/ mpg /dot/ de) and Daniel Wand (dwand /at/ mpi-inf /dot/ mpg /dot/ de)
Submission date: 2016-11-12
Abstract: This Isabelle/HOL formalization defines Knuth–Bendix orders for higher-order terms without lambda-abstraction and proves many useful properties about them. The main order fully coincides with the standard transfinite KBO with subterm coefficients on first-order terms. It appears promising as the basis of a higher-order superposition calculus.
  author  = {Heiko Becker and Jasmin Christian Blanchette and Uwe Waldmann and Daniel Wand},
  title   = {Formalization of Knuth–Bendix Orders for Lambda-Free Higher-Order Terms},
  journal = {Archive of Formal Proofs},
  month   = nov,
  year    = 2016,
  note    = {\url{},
            Formal proof development},
  ISSN    = {2150-914x},
License: BSD License
Depends on: Lambda_Free_RPOs, Nested_Multisets_Ordinals, Polynomials, Regular-Sets