Loading theory "Category3.Category" (required by "Category3.Limit" via "Category3.FreeCategory") locale partial_magma fixes C :: "'a \ 'a \ 'a" (infixr "\" 55) assumes "partial_magma (\)" locale category fixes C :: "'a \ 'a \ 'a" (infixr "\" 55) assumes "category (\)" locale classical_category fixes Obj :: "'obj \ bool" and Arr :: "'arr \ bool" and Dom :: "'arr \ 'obj" and Cod :: "'arr \ 'obj" and Id :: "'obj \ 'arr" and Comp :: "'arr \ 'arr \ 'arr" assumes "classical_category Obj Arr Dom Cod Id Comp" locale category fixes C :: "'a \ 'a \ 'a" (infixr "\" 55) assumes "category (\)" ### theory "Category3.Category" ### 0.837s elapsed time, 1.596s cpu time, 0.000s GC time Loading theory "Category3.AbstractedCategory" (required by "Category3.Limit" via "Category3.FreeCategory") locale abstracted_category fixes C :: "'c \ 'c \ 'c" (infixr "\\<^sub>C" 55) and A :: "'c \ 'a" and R :: "'a \ 'c" and S :: "'c set" assumes "abstracted_category (\\<^sub>C) A R S" locale abstracted_category fixes C :: "'c \ 'c \ 'c" (infixr "\\<^sub>C" 55) and A :: "'c \ 'a" and R :: "'a \ 'c" and S :: "'c set" assumes "abstracted_category (\\<^sub>C) A R S" ### theory "Category3.AbstractedCategory" ### 0.294s elapsed time, 0.584s cpu time, 0.000s GC time Loading theory "Category3.DiscreteCategory" (required by "Category3.Limit") locale discrete_category fixes Obj :: "'a set" assumes "discrete_category Obj" locale discrete_category fixes Obj :: "'a set" assumes "discrete_category Obj" ### theory "Category3.DiscreteCategory" ### 0.146s elapsed time, 0.292s cpu time, 0.000s GC time Loading theory "Category3.DualCategory" (required by "Category3.Limit" via "Category3.Adjunction" via "Category3.Yoneda") locale dual_category fixes C :: "'a \ 'a \ 'a" (infixr "\" 55) assumes "dual_category (\)" locale dual_category fixes C :: "'a \ 'a \ 'a" (infixr "\" 55) assumes "dual_category (\)" ### theory "Category3.DualCategory" ### 0.387s elapsed time, 0.712s cpu time, 0.252s GC time Loading theory "Category3.EpiMonoIso" (required by "Category3.Limit" via "Category3.Adjunction" via "Category3.Yoneda" via "Category3.SetCat" via "Category3.SetCategory" via "Category3.Functor" via "Category3.InitialTerminal") locale category fixes C :: "'a \ 'a \ 'a" (infixr "\" 55) assumes "category (\)" ### theory "Category3.EpiMonoIso" ### 0.060s elapsed time, 0.116s cpu time, 0.000s GC time Loading theory "Category3.FreeCategory" (required by "Category3.Limit") locale graph fixes Obj :: "'obj set" and Arr :: "'arr set" and Dom :: "'arr \ 'obj" and Cod :: "'arr \ 'obj" assumes "graph Obj Arr Dom Cod" locale free_category fixes Obj :: "'obj set" and Arr :: "'arr set" and D :: "'arr \ 'obj" and C :: "'arr \ 'obj" assumes "free_category Obj Arr D C" locale free_category fixes Obj :: "'obj set" and Arr :: "'arr set" and D :: "'arr \ 'obj" and C :: "'arr \ 'obj" assumes "free_category Obj Arr D C" locale discrete_category fixes Obj :: "'obj set" assumes "discrete_category Obj" locale empty_category assumes "empty_category" locale quiver fixes Arr :: "'arr set" assumes "quiver Arr" locale parallel_pair assumes "parallel_pair" ### theory "Category3.FreeCategory" ### 1.862s elapsed time, 3.720s cpu time, 0.000s GC time isabelle document -d /media/data/jenkins/workspace/afp-repo-afp/browser_info/AFP/Category3/document -o pdf -n document isabelle document -d /media/data/jenkins/workspace/afp-repo-afp/browser_info/AFP/Category3/outline -o pdf -n outline -t /proof,/ML *** Failed to load theory "Category3.InitialTerminal" (unresolved "Category3.EpiMonoIso") *** Failed to load theory "Category3.Functor" (unresolved "Category3.InitialTerminal") *** Failed to load theory "Category3.NaturalTransformation" (unresolved "Category3.Functor") *** Failed to load theory "Category3.Subcategory" (unresolved "Category3.Functor") *** Failed to load theory "Category3.ProductCategory" (unresolved "Category3.EpiMonoIso") *** Failed to load theory "Category3.BinaryFunctor" (unresolved "Category3.NaturalTransformation", "Category3.ProductCategory") *** Failed to load theory "Category3.FunctorCategory" (unresolved "Category3.BinaryFunctor") *** Failed to load theory "Category3.SetCategory" (unresolved "Category3.Functor") *** Failed to load theory "Category3.SetCat" (unresolved "Category3.SetCategory") *** Failed to load theory "Category3.Yoneda" (unresolved "Category3.FunctorCategory", "Category3.SetCat") *** Failed to load theory "Category3.Adjunction" (unresolved "Category3.Yoneda") *** Failed to load theory "Category3.EquivalenceOfCategories" (unresolved "Category3.Adjunction") *** Failed to load theory "Category3.Limit" (unresolved "Category3.Adjunction") *** Type unification failed *** *** Type error in application: incompatible operand type *** *** Operator: inj_on :: *** (??'a \ ??'b) \ ??'a set \ bool *** Operand: op \ f :: 'a *** *** At command "definition" (line 23 of "~~/afp/thys/Category3/EpiMonoIso.thy")