Loading theory "Diophantine_Eqns_Lin_Hom.List_Vector" Loading theory "Diophantine_Eqns_Lin_Hom.Sorted_Wrt" Proofs for inductive predicate(s) "sorted_wrt" Proving monotonicity ... Proving the introduction rules ... Proving the elimination rules ... Proving the induction rule ... Proving the simplification rules ... ### theory "Diophantine_Eqns_Lin_Hom.Sorted_Wrt" ### 0.209s elapsed time, 0.492s cpu time, 0.000s GC time Loading theory "Diophantine_Eqns_Lin_Hom.Minimize_Wrt" Found termination order: "(\p. length (snd p)) <*mlex*> {}" ### theory "Diophantine_Eqns_Lin_Hom.Minimize_Wrt" ### 0.231s elapsed time, 0.464s cpu time, 0.000s GC time Found termination order: "(\p. length (snd (snd (snd p)))) <*mlex*> {}" ### theory "Diophantine_Eqns_Lin_Hom.List_Vector" ### 0.928s elapsed time, 1.896s cpu time, 0.000s GC time Loading theory "Diophantine_Eqns_Lin_Hom.Linear_Diophantine_Equations" locale hlde_ops fixes a :: "nat list" and b :: "nat list" locale hlde fixes a :: "nat list" and b :: "nat list" assumes "hlde a b" ### theory "Diophantine_Eqns_Lin_Hom.Linear_Diophantine_Equations" ### 0.914s elapsed time, 1.808s cpu time, 0.280s GC time Loading theory "Diophantine_Eqns_Lin_Hom.Algorithm" Found termination order: "{}" ### The following clauses are redundant (covered by preceding clauses): ### x \ [] Found termination order: "(\p. size_list size (snd p)) <*mlex*> {}" Found termination order: "{}" Found termination order: "(\p. length (snd p)) <*mlex*> {}" locale bounded_lexs fixes C :: "nat list \ nat \ bool" and B :: "nat" assumes "bounded_lexs C B" Found termination order: "size_list size <*mlex*> {}" locale bounded_lexs2 fixes C\<^sub>2 :: "nat list \ nat \ bool" and B\<^sub>2 :: "nat" and C\<^sub>1 :: "nat list \ nat list \ nat list \ nat \ bool" and B\<^sub>1 :: "nat list \ nat" assumes "bounded_lexs2 C\<^sub>2 B\<^sub>2 C\<^sub>1 B\<^sub>1" Found termination order: "{}" Found termination order: "{}" locale bounded_incs fixes cond :: "nat list \ nat \ bool" and B :: "nat" assumes "bounded_incs cond B" Found termination order: "(\p. size_list size (snd (snd p))) <*mlex*> {}" ### theory "Diophantine_Eqns_Lin_Hom.Algorithm" ### 2.779s elapsed time, 5.532s cpu time, 0.248s GC time ### Metis: Unused theorems: "Divides.unique_euclidean_semiring_numeral_class.div_positive" *** Interrupt